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发布日期:2020-01-08    作者:洪伟     来源:     点击:

        洪伟,博士、教授、博士研究生导师,贵州省(第六批)高层次创新型人才(“千层次”)。2014年获中国科学院大学博士学位,留学美国奥本大学(Auburn University)。担任中国药理学会抗衰老与老年痴呆专业委员会常务青年委员,中华医学会细胞生物学会青年委员。担任Frontiers in Genetics》、《Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark》、《mbio》、《Biotechnology for biofuels》、《International Journal of Molecular Medicine》、《Journal of Basic Microbiology》、《组织工程》等国内外期刊审稿人。近年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金3项。在国内外期刊发表论文20余篇,其中SCI论文10余篇,至今培养硕士生4名。


1. 基于生物信息学和基因编辑的人体肠道厌氧微生物基因功能研究

2. 微生物肿瘤治疗

3. 口腔及肠道微生物群落分析


(1)32170134 国家自然科学基金面上项目  slpA-cwp66基因座对艰难梭菌抗逆性与致病力的影响及其机制研究(在研)

(2)[2020]1Z067 贵州省科学技术厅(重点项目)艰难梭菌黏附素蛋白(Cwp66)介导细胞黏附和炎症机制研究(在研)

(3)31601012 国家自然科学基金青年基金  艰难梭菌细胞粘附因子参与毒素基因表达调控研究(结题)

(4)31560318 国家自然科学基金地区基金  TeI3c/4c嗜热二型内含子单插入热点碱基组成规律及其应用研究(结题)


13. Guzhen Cui#, Dengxiong Hua# Xingxing Zhao#, Jia Zhou, Ying Yang, Tingyu Huang, Xinxin Wang, Yan Zhao, Ting Zhang, Jian Liao, Zhizhong Guan, Peng Luo, Zhenghong Chen*, Xiaolan*, Wei Hong*. A New EBS2b-IBS2b Base Paring (A− 8/T− 8) Improved the Gene-Targeting Efficiency of Thermotargetron in Escherichia coli. Microbiology Spectrum. 2023 Feb 21:e03159-22.IF=9.043, 中科院一区 )

 12. Hong, W., Zhang, J., Cui, G., Zhou, Q., Wang, P., and Wang, Y. (2022). “Highly Efficient Genome Editing in Clostridium difficile Using the CRISPR-Cpf1 System,” in Recombineering Methods in Molecular Biology., ed. C. R. Reisch (New York, NY: Springer US), 175–187. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2233-9_12. (Book Chapter) 

 11. Q. Zhou#, F. Rao#, Z. Chen, Y. Cheng, Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Guan, Y. He, W. Yu, G. Cui*, X. Qi*, W. Hong*, The cwp66 Gene Affects Cell Adhesion, Stress Tolerance, and Antibiotic Resistance in Clostridioides difficile, Microbiol Spectr. (2022) e02704-21. https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.02704-21IF=9.043, 中科院一区 ).

        10. Wei Hong*, Fengqin Rao, Xingxing Zhao, Zhenyang Guo, Yumei Chen , Bing Wang, Zhizhong Guan, Xiaolan Qi*. An inexpensive anaerobic chamber for the genetic manipulation of strictly anaerobic bacteria. J.Anaerobe.2021,69,102349. (IF = 3.331)

9. XL Wang, YX Deng, YM Gao, YT Dong, F Wang, ZZ Guan, W Hong*, XL Qi*, Activation of α7 nAChR by PNU-282987 improves synaptic and cognitive functions through restoring the expression of synapticassociated proteins and the CaM-CaMKII-CREB signaling pathway, Aging-US, In production, 2020. (IF=5.515).

8. 洪伟, 万雯, 崔古贞, 官志忠, 齐晓岚, 禹文峰 (2020). 艰难梭菌基因编辑技术研究进展. 生物工程学报 36, 210–225.(卓越期刊)

7. 赵行行, 程玉梅, 吴昌学, 任玮, 饶凤琴, 周倩, 崔古贞, 齐晓岚*,洪伟* (2020). 温度诱导Targetron系统用于大肠杆菌高效基因失活. 生物工程学报 36, 1659–1671.(卓越期刊)

6. W. Hong#, *, J. Yang#, Y. Cheng, X. Huang, F. Rao, T. Zhang, P. Wang, J. Liao, X. Qi, Z. Guan, Z. Chen, G. Cui, Bacteria co-colonizing with Clostridioides difficile in two asymptomatic patients, Open Life Sciences. 14 (2019) 628–637. https://doi.org/10.1515/biol-2019-0071IF=0.938

5. X.L. Huang, L.Y. Huang, Y.T. Cheng, F. Li, Q. Zhou, C. Wu, Q.H. Shi, Z.Z. Guan, J. Liao*, W. Hong*, Zoledronic acid inhibits osteoclast differentiation and function through the regulation of NF-κB and JNK signalling pathways, Int. J. Mol. Med. 44 (2019) 582–592. doi:10.3892/ijmm.2019.4207.IF=4.101

4. J. Zhang, W. Zong, W. Hong, Z.T. Zhang, Y. Wang, Exploiting endogenous CRISPR-Cas system for multiplex genome editing in Clostridium tyrobutyricum and engineer the strain for high-level butanol production, Metab. Eng. 47 (2018) 49–59. doi:10.1016/j.ymben.2018.03.007.IF=7.808

3. S. Wang, W. Hong, S. Dong, Z.T. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Wang, Y. Wang*, Genome engineering of Clostridium difficile using the CRISPR-Cas9 system, Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 24 (2018) 1095–1099. doi:10.1016/j.cmi.2018.03.026.IF=8.067

2. W. Hong#, *, Y. Cheng#, F. Rao, J. Yang, G. Cui, Z. Chen, J. Liao, X. Huang, J. Zhang, P. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Guan, X. Qi*, Co-infection of Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile GMU1 and Bacillus cereus GMU2 in one patient in Guizhou, China, Anaerobe. 54 (2018) 159–163. doi:10.1016/j.anaerobe.2018.08.004.Case reportIF=3.33

1. W. Hong#, J. Zhang#, G. Cui, L. Wang, Y. Wang*, Multiplexed CRISPR-Cpf1-Mediated Genome Editing in Clostridium difficile toward the Understanding of Pathogenesis of C. difficile Infection, ACS Synth. Biol. 7 (2018) 1588–1600. doi:10.1021/acssynbio.8b00087.IF=5.571



E-mail: hongwei@gmc.edu.cn