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发布日期:2011-09-21    作者:     来源:     点击:

1.Gao Q, Liu YJ, Guan ZZ(Correspondent author)(2007). Effects of fluoride on learning and memory or rats and cholinesterase activity in rat brains. XXVIIth Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research. Beijing, P82-83.6.

2.Guan ZZ(Correspondent author), Gao Q, Liu YJ (2007). Changed cholinergic receptors and cellular membrane lipids in rat brains and cultural neurons exposed to excessive fluoride. XXVIIth Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research. Beijing, P28.

3. Liu YJ, Gao Q, Guan ZZ (Correspondent author)(2007). Influence of fluorosis on Erk1/2 signal transduction in rat brains and on learning and memory of rats. XXVIIth Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research. Beijing, P82.

4.Liu YJ, Gao Q, Guan ZZ(Correspondent author) (2007). Effects of fluoride on learning and memory or rats and cholinesterae activity in rat brains. XXVIIth Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research .Beijing,P82-83.

5.Guan ZZ (2007). Protective effects of alpha-tocopherol on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Alzheimer’s disease. In VR Preedy & RR Watson (Eds), The encyclopedia of Vitamin E. CABI Publishing, Wallingford (UK). P 472-479.

6.Qi XL, Agneta N, Guan ZZ (Correspondent author)(2007). The consequences of reducing expression of the a7 nicotinic receptor by RNA interference and of stimulating its activity with an a7 agonist in SH-SY5Y cells indicate that this receptor plays a neuroprotective role in connection with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurochemistry International 51(6-7):377-83.

7.Roensch J, Crisby M, Nordberg A, Xiao Y, Zhang LJ, Guan ZZ(Correspondent author)(2007). Effects of statins on alpha7 nicotinic receptor, cholinesterase and alpha-form of secreted amyloid precursor peptide in SH-SY5Y cells. Neurochem Int. 50(6):800-866.

8.Yu WF, Guan ZZ, Nordberg A (2007). Postnatal upregulation of alpha4 and alpha3 nicotinic receptor subunits in the brain of alpha7 nicotinic receptor-deficient mice. Neuroscience. 146(4):1618-28.

9.单可人,何燕,齐晓岚,刘烜,赵艳,吴昌学,李毅,谢渊,褚迅,任锡麟(通讯作者),贵州省少数民族百越系统的分子人类学分析.贵阳医学院学报, 2007, 32(6):575-578.

10. 何燕,张婷,单可人(通讯作者),王婵娟,官志忠,任锡麟.贵州省苗族/水族人群线粒体DNA RegionV遗传多态分析,贵阳医学院学报, 2007, 32(6):583-585.

11. 王婵娟,单可人(通讯作者),任锡麟,白介素-10与乙肝易感性相关性研究.国际遗传学杂志,2007, 30(6):456-460.

12. 张薇,单可人,吴昌学,李毅,肖雁,赵艳,齐晓岚,谢渊,何燕,顾然,官志忠,任锡麟.贵州三个少数民族谷胱甘肽S-转移酶M1、T1和P1基因多态性.中华医学遗传学杂志, 2007,2495):589-591

13. 刘如玉,顾然,齐晓岚,陈佳,刘家骝,官志忠(通讯作者),β-淀粉样蛋白对大鼠大脑α7尼古丁受体表达和学习记忆能力的影响的影响.中国老年学杂志,2007, 27(19):1860-1862.


15. 顾然,刘如玉,张蓝江,郝小燕,肖雁,齐晓岚,单可人,任锡麟,罗俊,官志忠(通讯作者),天参益智复方对β-淀粉样蛋白引起的神经细胞中尼古丁受体表达降低及细胞毒性损伤的拮抗作用.中西医结合学报,September2007,Vol.5,No5:564-569 .

16. 齐晓岚,钟复光(通讯作者).慢性染砷大鼠肝脏线粒体DNA及相关酶活性变化研究.中国地方病学杂志,2007,26(4):400-402.

17. 吴昌学,单可人(通讯作者),何燕,齐晓岚,李毅,赵艳,张婷,官志忠,杨明,任锡麟.贵州省江口县土家族葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶基因突变分析.中国地方病学杂志,2007,26(4):415-417.

18. 谢渊(通讯作者),张小蕾,李毅,张婷,单可人.天麻ITS序列的聚合酶链反应扩增.贵阳医学院学报,2007,32(3):242-244 .



21.官志忠(通讯作者),于燕妮,张华,魏赞道,刘家骝,周琳业,陈绪光.地方性氟中毒流行因素、病理损害及防治措施研究.医学研究杂志,2007,36(4):62-63 .



24. 肖雁,胡志恒,单可人(通讯作者),官志忠,任锡麟.冠心病患者亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因多态性87例研究.中国实用内科杂志,2007,27(4):293-295.

25. 谢渊,张小蕾(通讯作者),李毅,蒋朝晖,单可人,吴晓黎.AFLP技术在天麻遗传变异研究中的初步应用.植物生理学通讯,2007,43(1):141-144.

26. 谢渊,张小蕾(通讯作者),李毅,蒋朝晖,吴晓黎,单可人.天麻AFLP分析技术体系的建立.生物技术,2007,17(1):46-48.

27. 齐晓岚,钟复光(通讯作者).慢性砷中毒大鼠肝脏血清酶活性变化分析.中国公共卫生,2007,23(2):199-201.

28. 吴昌学,单可人(通讯作者),周运书,杨勤,李诚秀,赵艳,程明亮.贵州兴仁县燃煤型砷中毒患者p16基因甲基化研究.中华预防医学杂志,2007,41(1):29-32.

29. 赵艳,单可人(通讯作者),杨勤,李诚秀,周运书,吴昌学,程明亮.金属硫蛋白-1,2基因在燃煤型砷中毒患者中的表达.中国地方病学杂志, 2007,26(1):12-14.